Sunday, May 14, 2023

[English-Speaking-05] Small Talk about hobby

 Today's English Speaking class. "Small Talk" is the last topic of "hobby." 

Also, I would like to share with you the best "Small Talk" questions, 10 essential steps to improve "Small Talk", and the "Small Talk" example dialogue about sports. Thank you for following me through.

The best "Small talk" questions?

1. What have you been up to recently? 

2. Have you watched any interesting movies or TV shows lately? 

3. Have you been on any exciting trips recently? 

4. What hobbies or activities do you enjoy in your free time? 

5. Have you tried any new restaurants or recipes recently? 

6. Are you reading any good books at the moment? 

7. How do you like to unwind after a long day? 

8. Are you following any sports or teams? 

9. Have you attended any interesting events or concerts recently? 

10. Do you have any upcoming plans or goals you're looking forward to? 

The other 10 best "small talk" questions.

10 Essential Steps To improve "Small Talk" 

1. Be genuinely interested: Show genuine interest in the other person and what they have to say. Pay attention to their responses, ask follow-up questions, and actively listen.  

This helps create a positive and engaging conversation.

2. Start with open-ended questions: Begin the conversation with open-ended questions that require more than a simple "yes" or "no" answer. This allows the other person to share more about themselves and keeps the conversation flowing.

3. Practice active listening: Actively listen to the person you're speaking with by focusing on their words, body language, and tone of voice. Avoid interrupting and give them your full attention. This shows that you value what they're saying and makes them feel heard.
4. Use appropriate non-verbal cues: Pay attention to your non-verbal cues, such as maintaining eye contact, nodding, and smiling. These gestures convey interest, openness, and engagement, making the conversation more comfortable and enjoyable for both parties.
5. Find common ground: Look for shared interests or experiences that you can discuss. It could be a hobby, a recent event, a favorite book, or even the current surroundings. Finding common ground helps establish a connection and makes the conversation more relatable and enjoyable.
6. Share personal anecdotes: Don't be afraid to share personal stories or anecdotes related to the topic of conversation. It adds depth and allows the other person to get to know you better. However, be mindful of striking a balance between sharing and dominating the conversation.
7. Practice empathy: Put yourself in the other person's shoes and try to understand their perspective. Show empathy and respect their opinions and feelings, even if they differ from your own. This creates a positive and non-judgmental atmosphere for conversation.
8. Be mindful of cultural differences: If you're engaging in small talk with people from different cultures, be aware of cultural differences in communication styles and topics. Respect cultural norms and be open to learning and understanding different perspectives.
9. Stay positive and upbeat: Maintain a positive and friendly attitude during small talk. Avoid complaining or discussing controversial topics that might dampen the mood. Instead, focus on positive and light-hearted topics that promote a pleasant conversation.
10. Practice regularly: Like any skill, small talk improves with practice. Look for opportunities to engage in small talk, whether it's at social events, in line at a coffee shop, or during work breaks. The more you practice, the more comfortable and confident you'll become.


A: Hey, how's it going? 

B: Hey! I'm good, thanks. How about you? 

A: Not bad, just enjoying my day. By the way, do you have any hobbies? 

B: Yeah, I have a few hobbies. I enjoy playing the guitar and painting. What about you? 

A: That's cool! I've always wanted to learn how to play the guitar. As for me, I enjoy photography and gardening.  
B: Oh, photography sounds fascinating! What kind of subjects do you like to photograph? 

A: I mostly focus on nature and landscapes. I find it peaceful and therapeutic. How about your painting? What kind of art do you create? 

B: I love experimenting with different styles, but lately, I've been into abstract painting. It allows me to express my creativity freely. 

A: That's awesome! Abstract art can be so intriguing. Do you have any favorite artists or sources of inspiration? 

B: Definitely! I draw inspiration from artists like Jackson Pollock and Wassily Kandinsky. Their use of color and movement is incredible.

A: Those are great influences. I'll have to check them out. By the way, have you tried any new hobbies recently? 

B: Yes, actually! I've recently started learning how to cook different cuisines. It's been a fun and delicious experience. 

A: That's fantastic! Exploring new flavors and dishes can be quite exciting. Is there a particular cuisine you're focusing on? 

B: I've been experimenting with Asian cuisine lately. The flavors and techniques are so diverse and interesting. 

A: That sounds amazing. I love Asian cuisine too. Maybe we can exchange some recipes sometimes. 

B: Absolutely! I'd love that. It was great talking about your hobbies with you. I'll catch up with you later. 

A: Likewise! Take care, and have a wonderful day! 

B: Thanks! You too. Talk to you soon! 

 ♣ Greetings: Hey, how's it going?

 ♣ Topic/ Hobby/Ask a question: By the way, do you have any hobbies?        

 ♣ Introductory phrase: As for me, I enjoy photography and gardening.

 ♣ Changing the topic: Yes, actually! I've recently started learning how to cook different cuisines.

 ♣ Fillers: Definitely!/ Oh

 ♣ Ending a conversation: I'll catch up with you later./ Take care, and have a wonderful day! 


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