Saturday, May 13, 2023

[English-Grammar-02] What's the difference between "Between" and "Among"?

Today is about English grammar.
"Between" and "among" are both prepositions used to represent relationships and distributions, but they have distinct meanings and uses. I'm going to learn more about the meaning and difference of "between" and "among."
Sometimes I get confused when I communicate, so I want to find out the meaning and difference of "between" and "among," examples of incorrect and correct sentences using them, and the meaning of quotes.


1. Between
"Between" is used to indicate a relationship or comparison involving two entities, individuals, or groups. It highlights the separation or distinction between two separate items.

A. I sat between John and Mary at the table.

B. The bookstore is located between the library and the park.

C. The negotiations are taking place between the two companies.

Incorrect usage
I sat between John, Mary, and Sarah at the table.

(Incorrect because "between" should only be used for two entities.) 

2. Among
 "Among" is used to indicate a relationship or distribution involving three or more entities, individuals, or groups. It emphasizes a sense of being part of a larger group or collective.

A. The award was shared among the five finalists.

B. The secret was whispered among friends.

C. The book was hidden among the other books on the shelf.

Incorrect usage
The award was shared among the two finalists.

그 상은 두 명의 결승 진출자들 사이에서 공유되었습니다.

(Incorrect because "among" should be used when there are three or more entities.)

 (독립개체가 3개 이상일 때는 "among"을 사용해야 하므로 올바르지 않습니다.)

I'd like to quote a famous saying and a proverb that uses "between," and "among." Read it out loud.

1. "Between a rock and a hard place.
Meaning: This proverb describes a difficult situation where one is faced with two equally challenging or undesirable options. It implies being caught in a dilemma where there are no easy solutions. 

2.  "Among the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
Meaning: This proverb suggests that in a group of individuals with limited knowledge or abilities, even a person with a slight advantage or expertise will stand out and be regarded as superior. 

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