Monday, June 12, 2023

[Homographs in English-01] Pronunciations, Meanings, and Example Sentences for Foreign Learners

 Homographs are words that have the same spelling but differ in pronunciation and meaning. They can pose a challenge for foreign learners of English, as their multiple interpretations can lead to confusion. In this article, we will explore some common homographs, providing their pronunciations, meanings, and example sentences to assist foreign learners in understanding their usage. 

Homophone, Homograph, Homonym 무엇이 다른가?
Homophones: Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. 
"I have two books." and "She ate too much." 
Homographs: Homographs are words that are spelled the same but have different meanings. They can also have different pronunciations. Here are a few examples: 
"He will lead the team to victory."  and "The pencil is made of lead."
Homonyms: Homonyms are words that sound the same and have the same spelling but can have different meanings. 
"He deposited his money in the bank." and "He sat on the river bank."

1. Tear

A. Pronunciation 1: /tɪər/ (rhymes with "ear") 
Meaning 1: Noun - A drop of salty liquid produced by the eyes as an expression of emotion. 
Example sentence: She shed a tear when she heard the sad news. 

B. Pronunciation 2: /tɛər/ (rhymes with "care")

Meaning 2: Verb - To pull or rip something apart forcefully. 
Example sentence: Be careful not to tear the paper while wrapping the gift.

2. Wind

A. Pronunciation 1: /waɪnd/ (rhymes with "find") 
Meaning 1: Noun - A current of air moving horizontally, especially one strong enough to be felt. 

Example sentence: The wind blew fiercely during the storm. 
Meaning 2: Verb - To twist or turn something repeatedly. 

Example sentence: She carefully wound the string around the kite spool. 

B. Pronunciation 2: /wɪnd/ (rhymes with "mind") 

Meaning: Noun - A twisting or spiral form or structure. 
Example sentence: The road took us through a winding path in the mountains.

3. Lead
A. Pronunciation 1: /liːd/ (rhymes with "seed") 

Meaning 1: Noun - A heavy, malleable, bluish-gray metal.  
Example sentence: The pencil contains a small amount of lead
Meaning 2: Verb - To guide or direct a group of people or an organization.
Example sentence: She is skilled at leading a team effectively. 
B. Pronunciation 2: /lɛd/ (rhymes with "red") 
Meaning: Verb - To be in front; to be ahead of others. 
Example sentence: The champion led the race from start to finish.

4. Bow
A. Pronunciation 1: /baʊ/ (rhymes with "now") 

Meaning: Noun - A knot with two loops and two loose ends, used for tying shoelaces or ribbons. 
Example sentence: She tied a pretty bow on top of the gift box. 
B. Pronunciation 2: /boʊ/ (rhymes with "go")
Meaning 1: Noun - A weapon made of a flexible strip of material, with tensioned string connecting its ends, used to shoot arrows. 
Example sentence: He aimed the bow at the target and released the arrow. 
Meaning 2: Verb - To bend the upper part of the body forward as a sign of respect or acknowledgment. 
Example sentence: The actor took a bow after his outstanding performance.

5. Bass
A. Pronunciation 1: /beɪs/ (rhymes with "ace")
Meaning: Noun - A voice or instrument in the lowest range.
Example sentence: The singer had a deep and resonant bass voice. 
Meaning 2: Adjective - Referring to the lower range of musical tones or instruments. 
Example sentence: The bass guitar provides the rhythmic foundation of the band's music.
B. Pronunciation 2: /bæs/ (rhymes with "mass")
Meaning 1: Noun - A type of fish. 
Example sentence: He went fishing and caught a large bass in the lake. 

6. Object
A. Pronunciation 1: /ˈɒbdʒɛkt/ (rhymes with "project")
Meaning 1: Noun - A thing that can be seen or touched; a tangible item. 
Example sentence: The museum displayed various objects from ancient civilizations. 
Meaning 2: Noun - A goal or purpose. 
Example sentence: His main object in life was to help others. 

B. Pronunciation 2: /əbˈdʒɛkt/ (rhymes with "correct")
Meaning 1: Verb - To express or feel disapproval or opposition. 
Example sentence: She objected to the proposed changes in the plan. 

Meaning 2: Verb - To disagree or express dissent. 
Example sentence: He decided to object to the decision during the meeting.

7. Row
A. Pronunciation 1: /raʊ/ (rhymes with "now")
Meaning 1: Noun - A line of things, people, or boats placed next to each other. 
Example sentence: The students sat in a row in the classroom. 
Meaning 2: Verb - To propel a boat using oars. 
Example sentence: They rowed across the lake to reach the other side. 
B. Pronunciation 2: /roʊ/ (rhymes with "go")
Meaning: Noun - A noisy or serious argument or disagreement. 
Example sentence: There was a heated row between the two neighbors. 

8. Minute
A. Pronunciation 1: /ˈmɪnɪt/ (rhymes with "innit")
Meaning 1: Noun - A unit of time equal to sixty seconds.
Example sentence: Wait for me, I'll be there in a minute
Meaning 2: Noun - A written record or summary of a meeting or discussion. 
Example sentence: The secretary took minutes during the board meeting. 
B. Pronunciation 2: /maɪˈnjuːt/ (rhymes with "signet")
Meaning: Adjective - Very small in size or quantity. 
Example sentence: She found a minute crack in the mirror.

9. Content
A. Pronunciation 1: /ˈkɒntɛnt/ (rhymes with "spent")
Meaning 1: Noun - The material within something; the substance. 
Example sentence: The book's content was informative and engaging. 
Meaning 2: Adjective - Satisfied or pleased with something. 
Example sentence: He was content with his achievements. 
B. Pronunciation 2: /kənˈtɛnt/ (rhymes with "rent")
Meaning: Verb - To be in agreement or acceptance of something. 
Example sentence: She contented herself with the outcome of the negotiation. 

Exploring the pronunciation, meanings, and usage of these common homographs will provide foreign learners with a solid foundation in English language comprehension and communication. By familiarizing themselves with these words and practicing their usage, learners can confidently navigate the intricacies of the English language.

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