Sunday, June 4, 2023

[English-Grammar-06] What is the difference between "do" and "make"?

 Today is the third time about English verbs, and "do" and "make" are object verbs that English learners often confuse. These two verbs have different meanings and uses, and understanding the differences helps to convey ideas more accurately.

Now let's take a closer look at the meaning and difference and give examples of wise sayings and proverbs.

1. "Do"
"Do" is a general verb used to refer to performing an action, completing a task, or engaging in an activity. It is often used when the specific verb for the action is unknown or irrelevant.

A. I need to do my homework(O) 숙제를 해야 해요.
B. He does yoga every morning. (O) 그는 매일 아침 요가를 합니다.
C. I need to make my homework. (X) 숙제를 해야 합니다. 

    ("Make" is incorrect here since "homework" is an activity that you "do.")

    ("homework"는 "do(하는)" 활동이므로 여기서 "make"는 올바르지 않습니다.)
D. He makes yoga every morning. (X) 그는 매일 아침 요가를 합니다.

   ("Make" is incorrect since "yoga" is an activity that you "do.") 

   ("yoga"는 "do(하는)" 활동이므로 "make"는 올바르지 않습니다.)
2. "Make"
"Make" typically indicates the creation or production of something. It is used when an object or result is being formed or brought into existence.  


A. She made a delicious cake for the party. (O) 
B. They are making a documentary film(O) 
C. She did a delicious cake for the party. (X) 

    ("Did" is incorrect here because "making a cake" involves creating or producing it.) 

D. They are doing a documentary film (X) 

    ("Doing" is incorrect since "making a film" involves creating or producing it.)

Here are additional examples of correct and incorrect sentences to further clarify the distinction between "do" and "make".

1. I need to do the dishes after dinner. (0) 

    I need to make the dishes after dinner. (X)
2. The chef made an incredible meal for us. (0)  
    The chef did an incredible meal for us. (X)
3. Could you do me a favor and pick up some groceries? (0) 
     Could you make me a favor and pick up some groceries? (X)
4. He made a mistake on the test and had to correct it. (0) 
    He did a mistake on the test and had to correct it. (X)
5.  We need to do some research for our project. (0) 

     We need to make some research for our project. (X) 

6. I have to do my laundry today.  (0)
   I have to make my laundry today. (X)
7. The artist made a beautiful sculpture out of clay. (0) 
    The artist did a beautiful sculpture out of clay. (X)
8. She made a promise to always be there for her friend.  (0)

   She did a promise to always be there for her friend. (X)
9. The mechanic did an excellent job repairing my car. (0) 
     The mechanic made an excellent job repairing my car. (X)
10. I need to make a reservation at the restaurant for tonight. (0) 

      I need to do a reservation at the restaurant for tonight. (X)
11. They did their best to solve the puzzle.  (0) 
      They made their best to solve the puzzle. (X)
12. The students made progress in their studies after attending extra classes. (0)

     The students did progress in their studies after attending extra classes. (X)
13. The company made a significant investment in new technology. (0) 
     The company did a significant investment in new technology. (X)

"Do" and "make" are two English verbs that are often confused. There are, however, some important differences that can help us choose the right verb.

Remember to consider the specific context and meaning behind the action or result you are describing. This will help you determine whether to use "do" or "make" correctly in your sentences.

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