Wednesday, May 3, 2023

[English-Speaking-02] Small Talk about the weather

Today, I'm going to talk about Small Talk as the topic of "weather".

Introduce the meaning, purpose, and example dialog of Small Talk.

Please read it till the end.


The meaning of Small Talk?

 Small talk is light conversation used to connect with others 

and build relationships. 

It shows that we care, creates positive emotions, 

and can lead to lasting friendships. 

It's not just idle chatter, 

but a vital tool for building connections with those around us.

Small Talk

The purpose of small talk?

The purpose of small talk is to break down social barriers, discover shared interests, and ease social tension. It's a gateway to deeper conversations and allows us to form meaningful connections with others. Small talk creates positive emotions and can lead to lasting friendships.
The purpose of small talk

Small Talk Example:

A: Hey, how's it going? 

B: Pretty good, thanks. How about you? 

A: How about this weather we're having lately? 

B: Yeah, it's been pretty unpredictable. One day it's hot and sunny, the next it's cold and raining. 

A: I know, right? I heard we're supposed to get a big storm later this week. 

B: Really? I haven't checked the forecast recently. I hope it's not too bad. 

A: Yeah, me too. I hate driving in the rain. 

B: Speaking of driving, have you noticed how much the temperature can change depending on where you are in the city? 

A: Yeah, that's so true. I always make sure to bring a jacket with me, just in case.  

B: Good idea. You never know when you might need it. 

A: By the way, did you see that new weather app that came out? 

    It's supposed to be really accurate. 

B: No, I haven't. What's it called? 

A: I think it's called Weatherwise or something like that.

B: I'll have to check it out. Thanks for the recommendation. 

A: No problem. Anyway, I should probably get going. It was nice catching up with you. 

B: Yeah, you too. Take care and stay dry if that storm hits us. 

A: Will do. See ya later! 

B: See ya! 

It would be even better if Small Talk included the following, and you should avoid talking about political and difficult issues.

 ♣ greetings: Hey, how's it going? 

 ♣ topic/ weather: How about this weather we're having lately?           

 ♣ changing the topic: By the way, did you see that new weather app that came out?

 ♣ fillers: Yeah

 ♣ ending a conversation: Will do. See ya later!

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