Thursday, April 20, 2023

The types of crimes in Australia News


If you look at Australian news, there are many crimes, 

and I made a list of them in alphabetical order by type.
It would be great to live in a crime-free world,

but in our society and country, we see crimes occurring intentionally or unintentionally

due to many conflicts, inequality, prejudice, and misunderstanding.
Of course, we all want to live peacefully and safely in a crime-free world.

A - Arson: Intentionally setting fire to someone else's property or land.

B - Burglary: Unlawfully entering someone else's property with the intent to steal or commit another crime. 

C - Cybercrime: Using technology to commit a crime, such as hacking, identity theft, or online fraud. 

D - Drug trafficking: The illegal distribution and sale of controlled substances, such as cocaine, heroin, or methamphetamine.

E - Embezzlement: The fraudulent taking of someone else's property or money that has been entrusted to you, such as funds from an employer.

F - Fraud: Deliberately deceiving someone to gain a financial or personal advantage, such as through false representation, forgery, or misappropriation.

G - Grievous bodily harm: Inflicting serious harm or injury to another person, such as through assault or battery

10 Most Common Crimes in Australia

H - Homicide: The killing of another person, whether intentional or unintentional.

I - Identity theft: Stealing someone else's personal information, such as their name, Social Security number, or credit card details, in order to commit fraud or other crimes.

J - Juvenile delinquency: The commission of criminal acts by minors under the age of 18.

K  Kidnapping(Abduction): The forcible abduction and detention of another person against their will.

L  Larceny(Theft): The unlawful taking of someone else's property with the intent to permanently deprive them of it.

M - Manslaughter: The unintentional killing of another person, usually as a result of negligence or recklessness.

N - Narcotics possession: The unlawful possession of controlled substances, such as marijuana, cocaine, or heroin.

O - Offences against the person: Crimes that involve harm or injury to another person, such as assault, battery, or homicide.

P - Perjury: Giving false testimony under oath in a legal proceeding.

Cleo Smith's accused abductor, Terence Darrell Kelly, pleaded guilty via video link from prison.

Q - Quasi-criminal offenses: Acts that are not strictly criminal but are subject to criminal sanctions, such as traffic violations.

R - Robbery: The use of force or intimidation to steal someone else's property.

S - Sexual assault: The non-consensual touching or penetration of another person's body, often involving physical force or coercion.

T - Theft: The unlawful taking of someone else's property, without the use of force or intimidation.

U - Unlawful assembly: The gathering of three or more people for the purpose of committing a crime or disturbing the peace.

The thief took cash out of the cash register tray while holding a gun. (9News)

V - Vandalism: The intentional destruction or damage of someone else's property.

W - White-collar crime: Non-violent crimes committed by business professionals, such as embezzlement, insider trading, or securities fraud.

X - Xenophobic hate crimes: Crimes committed against individuals based on their race, ethnicity, or national origin.

Y - Youth justice: The legal system that deals with juvenile delinquency and the rehabilitation of young offenders.

Z - Zealotry: Extreme and fanatical adherence to a particular ideology or cause, often resulting in criminal behavior.

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