Friday, March 17, 2023

Phrasal verbs connected with " Food" ?


Phrasal verbs related to Food.

1. Pick up - to buy or collect food
Example: I need to pick up some milk on my way home from work. 

2. Chow down - to eat a lot and quickly 
Example: After the long hike, we were all hungry and ready to chow down. 

3. Dig in - to start eating enthusiastically 
Example: The table was full of delicious food, so we all dug in without hesitation. 

4. Finish off - to eat the last of something 
Example: Can you finish off the rest of the pasta? I'm too full to have any more. 

5. Cut back - to eat less of something, to reduce one's consumption 
Example: I need to cut back on sugar if I want to lose weight. 

6. Spice up - to add more flavor to a dish 
Example: The soup was a bit bland, so I added some herbs to spice it up. 

7. Mix up - to combine different ingredients or foods 
Example: I like to mix up my salads with different veggies and dressings. 

8. Warm up - to heat up food that has become cold 
Example: I'm going to warm up the leftovers from last night's dinner for lunch. 

9. Peel off - to remove the outer layer of something, like a fruit or vegetable 
Example: To make a fruit salad, you need to peel off the skin of the oranges and cut them into pieces. 

10. Whip up - to prepare food quickly and easily 
Example: I can whip up a batch of pancakes in no time for breakfast. 

11. Wolf down - to eat something quickly and hungrily 
Example: He wolfed down his sandwich and ran out the door to catch the bus. 

12. Nibble on - to eat small bites of something 
Example: I like to nibble on cheese and crackers while I'm watching TV. 

13. Devour - to eat something quickly and with great enthusiasm 
Example: The children devoured the pizza as soon as it came out of the oven. 

14. Savor - to enjoy the taste or flavor of something slowly and deliberately 
Example: I like to savor each bite of my favorite dessert. 

15. Stir in - to mix an ingredient into a dish 
Example: I like to stir in some cream cheese into my scrambled eggs for a creamier texture. 

stir in

16. Pour on - to add a generous amount of something, such as a sauce or dressing
Example: I always pour on extra dressing for my salad. 

17. Peel back - to remove the top layer of something, such as a lid or wrapper 
Example: She peeled back the foil to reveal the chocolate inside. 

18. Serve up - to present and offer food to someone 
Example: I'm going to serve up some appetizers before dinner. 

19. Throw out - to dispose of food that has gone bad or is no longer safe to eat
Example: I had to throw out the leftovers because they had been in the fridge for too long. 

20. Take away - to remove food from a restaurant to eat elsewhere 
Example: We decided to take away some pizza for a picnic in the park. 

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