Friday, March 24, 2023

Collocations: ["give" + adjective + noun]?

Collocation? It's a strange word for us. However, this unfamiliar word has recently emerged as a keyword for learning English. Collocation, a combination of 'co' meaning 'together' and 'location' meaning 'position', refers to two or more words that 'position together'. It's also called salmon or a word combination in Korean.
The reason why collocation, which has not been noticed so far, has become important is because of "natural English use." This is because it is collocation to learn the combination of words that native speakers use habitually. Today I'm going to give you an example of "give" + objective + nuns: Collocation where adjectives + nouns are paired. So I think you'll get used to it.


You can give a broad summary of something (NOT a wide summary).

1. give a blank stare

Meaning: A facial expression that shows no emotion or thought. 
Example sentence: When I asked him about the incident, he just gave me a blank stare and didn't say anything. 


2. give full details: 

Meaning: All the information and specifics about a particular topic or event. 
Example sentence: Could you please give me the full details about the project before I make a decision? 

3. Give some credit: 

Meaning: To acknowledge and appreciate someone's contribution or effort. 
Example sentence: I think we should give some credit to John for his hard work and dedication to the company. 

4. Give a genuine smile: 

Meaning: To smile authentically and sincerely. 
Example sentence: When she saw her old friend after a long time, she gave a genuine smile. 

5. Give birth:

Meaning: To have a baby. 
Example sentence: She gave birth to a healthy baby girl yesterday. 

6. Give sad news: 

Meaning: To inform someone about a tragic or upsetting event. 
Example sentence: I had to give her the sad news that her father had passed away. 

7. Give a tender kiss: 

Meaning: To express affection by kissing someone gently. 
Example sentence: He leaned in and gave her a tender kiss on the forehead before saying goodbye. 

8. Give an example: 

Meaning: To provide a particular instance or illustration of something. 
Example sentence: Can you please give me an example of how this concept works in practice? 

9. Give my best regards: 

Meaning: To send someone good wishes or convey greetings. 
Example sentence: Please give my best regards to your parents when you see them next. 

10. Give a nasty shock: 

Meaning: To surprise or startle someone negatively or unpleasantly. 
Example sentence: The sudden loud noise gave me a nasty shock and I jumped out of my chair. .

Types of Collocation

11. Give a piercing scream: 

Meaning: To make a loud and high-pitched scream. 
Example sentence: She gave a piercing scream when she saw the spider crawling toward her. 

12. Give a warm hug: 

Meaning: To embrace someone with affection or comfort. 
Example sentence: When I saw my best friend after a long time, I couldn't resist giving her a warm hug

13. Give a standing ovation: 

Meaning: To applaud someone or something enthusiastically while standing up. 
Example sentence: The audience gave a standing ovation to the talented singer after her performance. 

14. Give a second chance: 

Meaning: To offer someone another opportunity to make amends or improve their situation. 
Example sentence: Despite his mistakes, I decided to give him a second chance to prove himself. 

15. Give your word: 

Meaning: To make a promise or give assurance. 
Example sentence: I gave her my word that I would be there for her no matter what. 

16. Give a helping hand: 

Meaning: To offer assistance or support to someone who needs it. 
Example sentence: When she was going through a tough time, I was happy to give her a helping hand. 그

17. Give an ultimatum: 

Meaning: To give a final demand or warning before taking drastic action. 
Example sentence: After months of trying to work things out, she had to give him an ultimatum to make a decision. 

18. Give a big smile: 

Meaning: To smile widely or joyfully. 
Example sentence: When I received the good news, I couldn't help but give a big smile. 

19. Give a heartfelt apology: 

Meaning: To express remorse or regret for one's actions or words. 
Example sentence: After realizing how much she had hurt him, she gave a heartfelt apology and promised to make things right. 

20. Give a passionate speech: 

Meaning: To deliver a powerful or emotional speech about a particular topic. 
Example sentence: The politician gave a passionate speech about the importance of education reform. 

collocation: Adjective + Noun

21. Give a firm handshake: 

Meaning: To greet someone by shaking their hand with confidence and strength. 
Example sentence: When he met his new boss for the first time, he gave a firm handshake to show his professionalism. 

22. Give a warm welcome: 

Meaning: To greet someone with friendliness and hospitality. 
Example sentence: When she arrived at the party, everyone gave her a warm welcome. 

23. Give a genuine compliment: 

Meaning: To express admiration or praise for someone sincerely and authentically. 
Example sentence: She gave him a genuine compliment on his hard work and dedication. 

24. Give a bitter pill: 

Meaning: To present something unpleasant or difficult to accept. 
Example sentence: It was hard for her to give him the bitter pill that he had failed the exam. 

25. Give a sincere apology: 

Meaning: To offer a genuine apology for any harm caused to someone. 
Example sentence: After realizing her mistake, she gave a sincere apology to her friend and promised to make things right. 

26. Give a triumphant smile: 

Meaning: To smile victoriously or confidently. 
Example sentence: When she won the race, she couldn't help but give a triumphant smile

27. Give a hopeful outlook: 

Meaning: To present a positive or optimistic perspective on a situation. 
Example sentence: Despite the challenges, she tried to give a hopeful outlook for the future. 

28. Give an enthusiastic response: 

Meaning: To respond with eagerness or excitement. 
Example sentence: When she asked him to go on a road trip, he gave an enthusiastic response. 


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