Thursday, March 16, 2023

Phrasal verbs connected with "illness" ?

Remember, phrasal verbs are a key part of the English language and can help you communicate more effectively. Keep practicing them in context to improve your fluency and comprehension.

1. Come down with - to become sick with an illness

Example: I think I'm coming down with a cold. 

2. Pass out - to lose consciousness due to illness or exhaustion 
Example: The heat was so intense that I nearly passed out. 

3. Pick up - to catch an illness 
Example: picked up a stomach bug while traveling. 
4. Break out in - to develop a rash or skin condition 

Example: She broke out in hives after eating shellfish. 

5. Bring on - to cause an illness or symptom to start 
Example: The stress brought on a migraine. 

6. Fight off - to resist an illness or infection 
Example: I've been trying to fight off this flu for a week. 

7. Go through - to experience an illness or medical treatment 
Example: She went through chemotherapy last year. 

8. Check up on - to visit or contact someone to see how they are feeling
Example: I'm going to check up on my friend who had surgery last week. 

9. Wear off - to decrease in intensity or effectiveness over time 
Example: The pain medication is starting to wear off. 

10. See off - to say goodbye to someone who is leaving due to illness 
Example: I went to the airport to see my sick relative off. 

to become sick with an illness

11. Go down - to become ill or experience a worsening of symptoms 
Example: My fever is going down, but my cough is getting worse. 
12. Hold back - to prevent oneself from showing symptoms or expressing emotions related to illness 
Example: She tried to hold back her tears during the doctor's appointment. 

13. Look after - to care for someone who is ill or recovering 
Example: I need to look after my sister who just had surgery. 

14. Run down - to feel tired and weak due to illness or lack of sleep
Example: I've been feeling run down lately, I think I need to take a break.

15. Settle in - to become established or comfortable in a new environment or with a new illness 
Example: It took a while for her to settle in with her new medication regimen. 

16. Take in - to be affected by something, such as an illness or news 
Example: She couldn't take in the news that she had cancer. 

17. Ease off - to decrease in intensity or severity over time 
Example: The pain in my knee is starting to ease off now that I've been doing physical therapy. 

18. Come around - to recover from an illness or injury 

Example: It took a few weeks, but she eventually came around after her surgery. 

19. Give in - to surrender to an illness or symptom and rest or seek treatment 
Example: He finally gave in and went to the doctor for his persistent cough. 

20. Wear out - to become tired or exhausted due to illness or physical activity 
Example: I'm completely worn out after running a marathon. 

look after

21. Act up - to behave abnormally or experience symptoms that worsen 
Example: My back pain always acts up when the weather changes. 

22. Hold on - to endure or persist through a difficult illness or treatment 
Example: I'm just trying to hold on until my chemotherapy is over.  

23. Break down - to experience a physical or emotional collapse due to illness or stress 
Example: The news of her illness caused her to break down in tears. 

24. Pass away - to die from an illness or medical condition 
Example: Unfortunately, her grandfather passed away after a long battle with cancer. 
25. Wear down - to become physically or emotionally exhausted over time 
Example: The stress of caring for her sick parent wore her down. 

26. Get over - to recover from an illness or injury 
Example: It took a while, but she eventually got over her pneumonia.  

27. Shut in - to be confined to one's home due to illness or quarantine 
Example: I had to be shut in for two weeks after being exposed to COVID-19. 

28. Hold up - to remain strong or resilient during an illness or difficult time 
Example: She's holding up surprisingly well considering everything she's been through. 

29. Break up - to cough or expel mucus due to an illness such as a cold or flu 
Example: I can't stop breaking up phlegm, it's so annoying. 

30. Pass on - to transmit an illness or infection to someone else 
Example: Please stay home if you're feeling sick, you don't want to pass on your illness to others. 

get over:  recover from something, feel better after having a sickness or problem "It took me a few days to get over my cold."

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